Questions To Ask Before Hiring An SEO Expert

by | May 12, 2015 | Computers


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Keeping up with the latest Google updates – especially when you are considering the latest SEO practices – can be challenging. This is why you may considering hiring quality and professional Seo Companies in Houston Tx. However, in order to tell the good companies from the bad, you need to be sure and answer the right questions. These questions are highlighted here.

Are they concerned with content?

There are few SEO companies that can get away with just dropping links in the content and getting results. Google has made sure that these methods are no longer effective. You should ask if the company is putting the links in first or if they really care about the content that is being published. The old saying ‘content is king’ is still around for a reason, it is true. High-quality content is a must to show up in the search engines.

Are they up to date on the latest updates from Google?

Google changes their algorithm all the time. Changes from penalizing paid for links and keyword stuffing are the most well-known; however, there are also a number of other updates that a quality SEO service has to know about in order to create a strategy that will work. For example, the latest update from Google changed the way sites were ranked when searched for on a mobile device. If the company seems in the dark about these updates, then you should likely find service elsewhere.

Are they willing to by links or social media followers?

There is a reason that Google creates the ranking algorithms: to ensure that quality results are provided for searchers. If a searcher only finds websites that have purchased links and social media followers, chances are they will not find the valuable information they are looking for. You should look for an SEO company that is willing to use only white hat methods of SEO since this provides results and ensures that your website does not receive any type of penalty.

Do they have past successes they can share with you?

One of the best ways to measure the success of an SEO service is to take a look at their previous customers. You should also find out if these individuals are still customers and if not, why. This can provide you insight into the long-term success that the company can help you achieve.

If you are searching for SEO Companies Houston TX, visit the AIM website for more information.

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